I simply could not muster any sympathy for her. Jul 29, Ann rated it really liked it. This one is a mess from start to finish. Aug 29, M. But Linda clearly had no idea what she was doing and seemed to be breaking the rules simply out of boredom and a need to piss of her father. Dit boek vanuit het gezichtspunt van Linda Wallander vond ik alleszins zeer goed. She is constantly saying things like
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If you are a Wallander fan read this, if you are new to ManKell I wouldn't start with this book if I were you.
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Here, the contrasts with other books end. The portrayal of the relationship between Kurt and Linda is uneven. The plot centres around the weeks before Linda is due to join the police force wallnader deals with religious fanaticism and a gruesome discovery in a hut in the woods.
Free with day trial. This actually works for the character, who comes off as a brat about 75 percent of the time and can explain away a large amount of that behavior as a genetic predisposition toward brattiness.

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want froxt read. This scene took place in a conference room at the police station!!!! Hard to figure out which star to put on it.
This article about a crime novel of the s is a stub. The Dogs of Riga. As the investigation proceeds, she makes a few rookie mistakes. Mankell wasn't starting from scratch, and neither were we.
Dit gaat minder over Wallander zelf, maar meer over de dochter. All through the series, his daughter Linda has always been there, but here she plays a major role.
I'm terrible at rating thrillers and mysteries. Worst was the clunky, stilted prose, which read to me as if the publisher had committed the cardinal sin of getting it translated by someone whose mother tongue is not English the translator has a Swedish name, so Nov 23, Debbie rated it it was ok. What pans out is an interesting book -- not focused on the center of the investigation, for most of it, but viewed from the outside, mostly from Linda's perspective, as Wallander tries kommmissar organize and lead the troops once wallancer.
Before the Frost
Aug 29, M. I have to think Before the Frost must have been either an off time for him or maybe he was under a big deadline to get Before the Frost out?! I have no real basis on which to review them and can only sheepishly confess that I read them from time to time in order to clear my intellectual palate. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Return of the Dancing Master. In the wood in the country land outside Ystad, the police make an horrific discovery: Just graduated from the police academy, Linda Wallander returns to Skane walllander join the police force, and she already shows all the hallmarks of her father--the maverick approach, the flaring temper.
Deutscher Trailer: "Mankells Wallander - Vor dem Frost" (2005)
Adolf Eichmann was I like Mankell, but this book seems to have fallen into the "Silence-of-the-Lambs-Syndrome" that seems to have become endemic. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Jul 29, Ann rated it really liked it.
Placing father and voe in the same police station is a device that is unlikely at best, but it serves as the platform to launch Linda as protagonist. Swedish with English, Swedish, Norwegian subtitles Rating: There seem to be too many boozy policeman novels nowadays.
And as the case her father is working on dovetails with her own, something far more calculated and dangerous than either could have imagined begins to emerge. The novel spotlights the clash of wills between the father and daughter, and kommisswr have strong, analytical minds, yet excel in different areas. That familiarity was actually comforting. Yet in this book, there she goes, drawn up into the investigation of a brutal murder and the disappearance of a close friend only a few weeks before she's scheduled to take up her police uniform.
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