It is purposefully designed to do some horribly insecure things. Works best when used with Firefox or Internet Explorer. I was just about to look for some expert and educative content like this, I am grateful that I have frequented here! Navigation menu Personal tools Log in Request account. Left its readers in the awe.
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Keep the ideas coming! You have done a great job.
Category:OWASP CAL9000 Project
Take a few moments to check out the CAL built-in Help file for information about all of the new features and some potential gotchas browser quirks, xmlHttpRequest limitations, etc. Navigation menu Personal tools Log in Request account. Wow this was amazing. Jackie Co Kad May 18, at 3: Ethan Ryan March 4, at Left its readers in the awe.
Feel free to modify it to best suit your particular needs. Baba Charsi July 10, at 2: CAL has some powerful features like executing cross-domain xmlHttpRequests and writing to disk. Retrieved owadp " https: Michael Smith March owqsp, at CAL is written in JavaScript, so you have full access to the source code.
Blogger September 22, at CAL gives you the flexibility and functionality you need for more effective manual testing efforts. Keep up the good work you are doing here. This blog is so stunningly outstanding. Chris Loomis wrote the CAL tool and currently leads the project. I am actually getting ready to across this information, is very helpful my friend. Thanks to everyone who has emailed me their comments and great suggestions for enhancing CAL I am unquestionably making the most of your site.
I was just about to look for some expert and educative content like this, I am grateful that I have frequented here!

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Category:OWASP CAL Project - OWASP
Any and all questions, comments or suggestions are welcome and may be directed here or submitted via the mailing list. I will definitely csl9000 it and personally recommend to my friends.
I think this is one of the most significant information for me. Please only use this tool for testing your own applications or those that you have been authorized to test.

Also great blog here with all of the valuable information you have. CAL is a collection of web application security testing tools that complement the feature owxsp of current web proxies and automated scanners.
Works best when used with Firefox or Internet Explorer. Newer Post Older Post Home. You unquestionably have some extraordinary knowledge and incredible stories. This page was last modified on 30 Januaryat Posted by Chandrasekar Rathinam at 2:
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